6 signs it's time to reconnect

Reconnect to Life + Discover Devoted Purpose

Hi Reader,

I just entered my second week in Costa Rica as a full-time nomad and it is a masterclass in being present.

Presence can be described as a sensation of connectedness to the current moment (now) and what is within us and around us.

So it's no surprise that our level of presence correlates with how vital and alive we feel.

In fact, some of the key benefits of practicing presence include:

  • Living your moments deeply and well (100-year-old you will be proud)
  • Realizing the life you want and choosing ways of being and doing that create it
  • Reclaiming your power and vitality and moving through life with a full cup

In order to access more of life, we must first realize where we're disconnected from it.

This can be really challenging for us to notice, because being disconnected from ourselves, our moments, and our experience of life has been made normal.

Here are 6 signs to help you notice when you're disconnecting.

1. Constantly feeling like you should be doing something else.

It can feel like a subtle anxious tug that makes it impossible to relax into the moment or focus on what you're doing now.

2. Rushing.

There's a difference between rushing and moving fast. Moving fast is being connected to what you're doing while doing it quickly. Rushing is neglecting the present moment to be in another. It's subtle, but you can feel a difference

3. Spending more time with the past or future than being with the present.

This is a sign you're mostly existing outside of where life is actually happening - now. Common misconception - this doesn't mean you aren't present when you intentionally reflect on the past or plan for and take action for your future.

4. Waiting for some future moment to feel happy/fulfilled/relaxed/etc.

"I'll feel [x] when [z]." This robs you of your ability to access more of that feeling now and can create the sensation of never quite having the experience of life that you want within reach.

5. Going long periods of time without noticing how you feel.

This includes both emotions and body sensations like thirst, hunger, and fatigue.

6. Avoiding stillness.

Constantly seeking stimuli and distraction are signals that we're avoiding presence to avoid uncomfortable sensations. Distraction doesn't remove what's present within you, it just delays your experience of it.

Having an awareness of when we're not present creates the opportunity to begin practicing presence. And to experience a more connected, fulfilled, and vital life.

Book a Reclamation Hour to start reconnecting today.

Now Stories
Discovering and Devoting to Purpose

I am devoted to the practice of presence.

It’s what I want to study, explore, experience, and play with for the rest of my life.

It has always been the connecting essence of my most passionate interests, my most impactful coaching, my most profound life experiences.

I just didn’t realize it so clearly, so simply, until very recently.

My work in the past has been centered around freedom, yet I’ve always felt that some cohesive thread was missing from my transformation coaching and other offerings.

After 3 years of dedicating myself to exploring my purpose through the lens of my North Star of freedom, it’s so very clear to me.

Presence. The path to inner freedom.

Practicing this art, learning about it, dancing with it through so many different modalities - has transformed me.

More than that, it’s blown my mind and deepened my feeling of aliveness.

I am student of this practice, and always will be.

And part of my purpose is to invite others to join me in this practice. To support them on their own journey with presence, awareness, and conscious living. To play in the sandbox of a present life that is lived vibrantly in each moment.

I’ve always felt a little envious of people who knew exactly what their purpose was. And I’ve always known that my own would become clear to me when I was ready.

I knew that my purpose would be discovered on the path of following what lights me up and consistently making decisions in alignment with my life’s vision.

And after following my inner compass for years, here I am. I’ve found the treasure box and suddenly so much makes sense.

Gaining this conscious awareness of purpose feels so grounding and powerful.

And in retrospect, it’s fascinating to realize I didn’t need to know my purpose to already be on the path towards it.

I studied presence, experimented with it, became a practitioner of it without realizing the theme 5 years before I could SEE it.

May we all follow our inner compass until clarity clicks into place.

I imagine there will be more evolutions, more alignments, and more clarity around this as I continue my journey.

Here, now, I choose and commit passionately to what is.


The Now Experiment

Helping vision-driven people be more present with life and work. Gain insight, tools, and experiments in reclaiming your time and energy, and creating more doing-being balance. Be more present with yourself, loved ones, and life. Live your moments well while creating your meaningful milestones.

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