Are you living inside-out or outside-in?

Inside-Out Living + Playful Experimentation

Hi Reader,

I'm done with boxes and limitations, and I'm inviting you to join me in a powerful experiment.

I’ve been talking about being done with boxes and limitations for years.

Now, I've deepened into my doneness so much that I've initiated a radical experiment in self-trust, following my inner compass, and breaking the rules.

The big questions I have in this experiment are:

Can I create what I want in life while doing what I want in life?

What is truly possible for us in life?

What would happen if I truly surrendered into the process of self-trust and creativity and acting from a place of alignment over “shoulds”?

Can I create the abundance, success, and impact I want to create in life by following what lights me up and leaving what doesn’t?

This experiment is not about escaping from the things that I need to do, like paying taxes. It is not about never doing anything that I don't want to do.

It’s a paradigm shift in the way that I show up to my work and to my life. I will it is an inside-out operation, first and foremost, instead of an outside-in operation.

It is an experimentation in what it would mean to wake up in the morning, and instead of immediately jumping to what the world is asking of me, I ask myself:

  • What do I need today?
  • What do I feel inspired to do?
  • What do I have the energy for?
  • What do I want to create space for?
  • What do I feel?
  • What’s calling to me?
  • What needs to be expressed today?

These are questions that we were not really taught to ask ourselves.

But they are just a few of many questions that help us connect with what lives within us and use it as our compass and fuel for a well-lived, fully alive life.

Listen to my full expression of my radical experiment in living inside-out vs. outside-in in Season 2 Episode 2 of my podcast, Abundantly Curious: An Experiment in Radical Inside-Out Living.

May you be inspired to live life as abundantly you.

What would you do if you were guaranteed love, safety, and success?

My Picks
Resources for Your Reclamation

[New] Freelance on Autopilot - More and more people are changing the way they work to access more freedom. I stumbled upon Mink as a part of my (rarely talked about) Fractional Executive Coaching & CMO offering for startups and companies. Freelancers and fractional workers can go ahead and join the waitlist for an epic offering coming in 2024.

[Software] My Pick for Video and Podcast Editing - Since the launch of Season 2 of Abundantly Curious, I've gotten lots of questions from folks who want to start creating more themselves. What do you use for editing? How do you make it sound so crisp? Do I need to be a pro to get started? (You don't.) Here's one of the resources I use.

[Product] Clean Beauty Mascara I Can't Live Without - When you find a mascara that's "clean" and doesn't melt down your face in 105-degree Austin heat, you share it with the world. It's not that serious, but reducing the number of even the tiniest things you worry about (like undereye smudges) frees up space in your awareness for more important things.

This Week's Encore
Playful Experimentation

If you want to have fun in life you have to be willing to get in the sandbox and play.

Not everything needs to be tied to being productive or creating specific outcomes.

Sometimes (in my opinion, a lot of the time), you just need to try things out because you want to. Especially when you have no idea how it’ll go or where it may lead.

We’ll call it playful experimentation. It’s how I find what’s a “yes” for me, what’s a “no,” and what lights me up enough to keep exploring it.

Examples of some of my favorite playful experiments in the last few years:

  • Painting classes
  • Improv comedy training
  • Standup training and doing my first show in front of 100+ people
  • Solo traveling all over the world
  • Trying being vegan, pescatarian, and plant-based
  • Going 100% sober
  • Starting my own business
  • Launching my podcast
  • Reiki training
  • Somatic Coaching training
  • Plant medicine journeys
  • Nomading and living somewhere new every 1-3 months
  • Becoming a member of a mystery school
  • Breathwork, ecstatic dance, cacao ceremonies, women’s retreats, embodiment practices, meditation retreats, and so much more…

Every experience has led me somewhere unexpected. Every experience has invited me to more freedom and aliveness.

And none of it would have happened if I hadn’t been brave enough to step over my fear and get outside of my comfort zone.

As adults, we must learn to stand taller than our fear to truly play with life.

We have to release the story that we’re wasting time. Say goodbye to any guilt over choosing ourselves and investing in ourselves. Unclench our grasp on expected outcomes. Care more about our freedom, fulfillment, and enjoyment of life than what other people think about us.

Once we’re free to play, anything is possible.

Next up on my playful experimentation lineup:

  • Vocal training and activation
  • Pole fitness
  • Weight lifting
  • Creative writing training
  • Tantric studies

I can do all of it because I don’t exist in any box. I don’t limit myself based on who I was yesterday or what people expect from me.

I free myself to play and experiment in life however I please.

What playful experimentation has been calling to you?

Reply to this email to share yours and I’ll be your accountability partner for the next week.


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113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

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The Now Experiment

Helping vision-driven people be more present with life and work. Gain insight, tools, and experiments in reclaiming your time and energy, and creating more doing-being balance. Be more present with yourself, loved ones, and life. Live your moments well while creating your meaningful milestones.

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