It's here! Time to get Abundantly Curious 🎙️

3 New Podcast Episodes + Diving in Deep

Hi Reader,

We are inundated with content every day. Uplifting content, empty content, manipulative content, transformative content...

One thing I've noticed:

Content created from a place of inspiration, expressive desire, and heartfelt authenticity just hits differently.

This kind of content isn't built just because the creator wants something from you, it's created because the idea, emotion, or message of it wants to flow through.

When I read, listen to, or watch content created from this place, I feel it.

It feels like a lovingly crafted message handwritten on parchment, delicately rolled, slipped into an ornate bottle, and dropped with vulnerably brave faith into the sea.

When you create and share from this place, you hold the vision that one day the bottle will be discovered along a rocky shore by someone who delights in it.

You daydream about some unsuspecting human stumbling upon the bottle, unrolling the parchment, devouring the contents, and being so powerfully touched by your creation that they are never the same again.

You dream, you hope, but you don't need the bottle to be discovered every time.

You create for the dream, yes. But more than that, you create to feel the enlivening spark of a soul-fueled creative act. To know that you've birthed something in the world that you love dearly and are proud of, regardless of how it is received.

It is from this place that I have delightfully crafted the second season of my podcast, Abundantly Curious.

I've given myself the creative freedom to express whatever wants to come through, and it's usually about being curious, explorative, and experimental in these areas:

  • Fascinating topics that expand your mind, body, and spirit into enlivening and liberating possibilities.
  • Radical reclamation of your power to choose, create, follow the path of your desire, and take back your time and energy for a liberated and aligned life.
  • Discovering your unique path of internal and external transformation that helps you create more of what you truly desire in life.

The first 3 episodes are now live. Details below!

May one of them speak to you in delightfully unexpected ways.



Ep. 1: Season Intro, My Journey

Learn what’s new this season: solo episodes exploring Geri’s audacious experiment living on her own terms, conversations with fascinating guests, and living between the soulful and the rational worlds. Learn more about The Now Experiment and Geri's journey that led her to where she is today.


Ep. 2: Radical Inside-Out Living

What would happen if we all started living radically using our inner compass? If we dropped all “shoulds” and freed ourselves to choose in every moment? Geri shares her audacious experiment to live life completely on her own terms, and clears up misconceptions about operating from a place of surrendered, connected flow.


Ep. 3: Microdosing & Plant Medicine

We chat with Tiffany Hurd, Microdosing Guide & Plant Medicine Facilitator to explore microdosing with psilocybin, the differences between microdosing and ceremonies, the benefits of working with a guide on your plant medicine journey, and the importance of integrating your psychedelic experience.




What's one thing you can do to make today more enjoyable?


For Your Reclamation

This week's reclamation resources are dedicated to the most popular Season 1 episodes of Abundantly Curious. If you missed the first season, now is your chance to get caught up as we dive into a juicy Season 2.

​Religion to Spirituality: Non-Duality, Gnosticism and Christian Mysticism with Jenny Scholl - A conversation with Jenny Scholl, a studied expert in religion and spirituality, to expand our view of religion and connection to something bigger than us. We explore paths to the divine, accessing higher levels of consciousness, and the power of ancient wisdom.

​Lucid Dreaming and The Power of Dreams with Lana Sackwild - Geek out on lucid dreaming. Learn about lucid dreaming, how it's different from regular and vivid dreams, and the many ways you can use lucid dreaming to change your waking day-to-day life.

​How to Master New Skills with Clayton Kim - Hear from Clayton Kim, a multi-skilled renaissance man who is passionate about acquiring new skills, learning new disciplines, and leading the way in performance technology and research. Clayton shares his processes for learning and becoming great at new things.


This Week's Encore
Is it time to dive into the deep end?

Sometimes we just need to dive into the deep end.

No dipping a toe in to test the waters. No baby steps. No slowly but surely.

But a full cannonball dive into the depths.

Why? Because sometimes diving in is the only way to strip yourself of your baggage.

  • The usual excuses and reasons why you can’t or shouldn’t or the timing isn’t right.
  • The deeply engrained habits that are like glue keeping you stuck in one place.
  • The protective “what if” fears that breed in your mind and block you at the starting line.

Sometimes… the deep end pattern disrupt is the way to get free of them and move forward.

For me, this has looked like:

Experiment: Going from barely meditating for 5 minutes to an advanced weeklong retreat where I meditated 6-8 hours a DAY.

Result: I meditated for an hour a day for a month afterwards and still meditate 2-6 hours a week, almost 2 years later.

Experiment: Recently, doing a 9-day cleanse that was 100% fruit and veggies. No salt, no oil, no nuts, no nothing but plants.

Result: I established a significantly healthier baseline for eating and have been choosing much healthier options post-cleanse. It’s easier than ever to choose nutritious food with this kickstart.

Experiment: Leaving my job cold turkey when I realized how serious I was about starting my own business, even though I had no idea what it would be.

Result: I got much needed recovery from hustle culture, plus the absolute space I needed to get clarity on what biz I would launch. 30 days after clarity, my biz was launched. 60 days after launch, I had my first $10k month.

All of these outcomes would have taken me significantly longer to “build up to” if I hadn’t dove in deep.

In fact, if I hadn’t fully committed in the way I did, they may have never happened.

The deep end isn’t always the answer.

But when it is, it’s worth going all in.

Where might it be the answer for you?

Ready to dive in? Book a complimentary discovery call to explore coaching.



​Book a coaching session - An hour with Geri dedicated to one of 3 focus areas.

​Explore private coaching - Transformational coaching pathways for life & work.

​Book a workshop - Bring this movement to your organization, group, or event.


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113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

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The Now Experiment

Helping vision-driven people be more present with life and work. Gain insight, tools, and experiments in reclaiming your time and energy, and creating more doing-being balance. Be more present with yourself, loved ones, and life. Live your moments well while creating your meaningful milestones.

Read more from The Now Experiment

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Inside-Out Living + Playful Experimentation Hi Reader, I'm done with boxes and limitations, and I'm inviting you to join me in a powerful experiment. I’ve been talking about being done with boxes and limitations for years. Now, I've deepened into my doneness so much that I've initiated a radical experiment in self-trust, following my inner compass, and breaking the rules. The big questions I have in this experiment are: Can I create what I want in life while doing what I want in life? What is...

selective focus photo of plant spouts

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