We've got to stop pretending we're a factory

Garden vs. Factory Approach + Life as Art

Hi Reader,

I'm deep in experimentation around what it would be like to prioritize my vision-driven creations over the constant knocking of my to-do list.

I'll share more on that next week, along with an announcement about the reintroduction of one of my favorite creations (🎙️ hint, hint).

For now, I'll offer this gentle reminder.

In a world filled with the expectation of immediate outcomes, perfection, and never-ending productivity, I’m here to remind you today…

You are not a factory.

You are a garden.

In a garden there is seasonality. Periods of rest and stillness between the cultivation and growth.

In a garden, there is a cyclical ebb and flow of harvest. Some seeds planted will fruit while others are waning.

In a garden, the seeds you plant may take time to bear fruit. But you don’t stop watering them because you don’t immediately see a sprout.

In a garden, you create what you water. Wherever your time, energy and focus flows, that’s what grows.

In a garden, you don’t give up after a season of winter. You plant new seeds in experience-rich soil.

Whatever your intentions are, whether they be personal growth, building a business, or pursuing a passion, try releasing the grueling expectations of an assembly line.

Show up with the resilience and trust of a gardener.

Plant your seeds.

Nurture them well.

Keep going.

Enjoy your harvest.

Plant again.

What is the gift in your current challenge?

For Your Reclamation

[Podcast] Abundantly Curious - If you aren't already following my podcast, now would be a great time to do so. 😉 I released one season as a passion project in 2022 and loved creating it and hearing how it impacted people. I've made some decisions about it that I'll tell you about next week. It's available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and all the other podcast places.

[Experiment] 9-Day Cleanse - I'm on day 4 of this Medical Medium 3:6:9 Cleanse, and I already feel myself gaining energy, focus, and feeling generally better. People have all kinds of feelings about this guy, but his protocols helped heal a mystery chronic illness I had 5 years ago that no one else could, so I'm a fan. After 30 days of eating my way through Costa Rica, I noticed I was feeling sluggish, so I'm treating this as a nice reset. I'm not suggesting it's right for you, just sharing that it works for me. A cleanse that lets me eat all the fruit and veggies I want for 9 days, stay full, and reclaim more of my energy, focus, and vitality is one I'm on board with.

This Week's Encore
Your Life As Art

Show, don’t tell.

This was an invitation from my first writing teacher that never left me…

It took me a while to grasp what she was saying, but eventually, it hit me as something like this:

Don’t just describe something, evoke the experience of it.

I deepened into this wisdom further recently when one of my somatic coaching teachers shared an ancient saying from the Asaro Tribe of Papua New Guinea:

“Knowledge is only rumor until it lives in our bones.”

In order for us to really know something, we must experience it.

And I believe we can experience things deeply either first-hand or through the expressed living of others.

This is the purpose of art.

For the creator, to move more of life through you and enliven things that are calling to you.

For the witness, to get a taste of the experience of something you haven’t touched, or feel resonance when your experience is evoked.

When we authentically express ourselves through writing, playing, creating, choosing, voicing, and so much more… we are opening up a portal inviting others to an experience.

As I play with my intention of deepening into aliveness each day, I’m reminded that simply living free and authentically is an act of art.

When I choose to be and do life as radically, authentically me, it’s an invitation…

An invitation for you to find more of what is radically, authentically you.

And to everyone I witnessed live radically as themselves before I knew it was possible, thank you.

Your life is the art that invites me to more of my own creation.

If you’re ready to play with this invitation, to find more of you, and to express and live it more deeply…

  1. Book an individual coaching session
  2. Book a discovery call to explore longer-term coaching

I look forward to being with you.


Book a coaching session - An hour with Geri dedicated to one of 3 focus areas.

Explore private coaching - Transformational coaching pathways for life & work.

Book a workshop - Bring this movement to your organization, group, or event.

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The Now Experiment

Helping vision-driven people be more present with life and work. Gain insight, tools, and experiments in reclaiming your time and energy, and creating more doing-being balance. Be more present with yourself, loved ones, and life. Live your moments well while creating your meaningful milestones.

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