The 3 energy vampires draining you

3 Energy Vampires + Modern Presence

Hi Reader,

Our energy is one of our most precious resources.

Having access to our energy is the difference between feeling well or unwell, being able to connect or unable to, or feeling like we have the capacity to do something about what we want to change vs. not.

Regardless of how much inspiration, motivation, and intention we hold, if we don't have access to our energy to act on or engage with it, nothing is going to happen.

The fact is, you can't live a high-quality life on low energy.

So, what to do when we need more access to our energy? How do we reclaim the energy that's ours?

First, generate awareness of where you're being drained of it.

The 3 most common energy vampires to look out for are...

1. Constant Distraction

Not being present.

  • Continuously sacrificing now for tomorrow.
  • Being pulled in too many different directions by your mind and environment.
  • Living almost entirely in the past or future.
  • Not being present with your moments, yourself, your loved ones, or what’s real.

2. Exhausting Extremes

Unbalanced doing and being.

  • Getting stuck in the overwhelm-escape loop.
  • Lack of overall balance in being and doing.
  • Having unsustainable expectations of self.
  • Lack of intention or boundaries in how you spend your time and energy.

3. Limiting Narratives

Blocking yourself.

  • Blindly climbing “The Ladder of Life” without connecting to what you truly desire.
  • Settling for an unexamined life that isn't fulfilling.
  • Getting blocked by fear-based beliefs and other people’s opinions.
  • Living in contraction vs. expansion.

It's only after we gain an awareness of where our energy is going that we can start calling it back to us.

Notice, what is draining you? What's within your power to change it?

The Reclamation Hour

A 60-minute session to initiate a reclamation of your time, energy, and audacity. Clear out space, reduce overwhelm, and restore your vitality to be and do well. This is a powerful reset that feels like a deep exhale.

What's draining most of your energy? How can you change it?

For Your Reclamation

A Tool for Moving Stuckness - I've been practicing EFT Tapping for a while now, and it has been a game-changer, instantly shifting mental and emotional gears. My favorite free YouTube videos are with Brad Yates. My friend Shazie Senen offers sessions.

Instant Presence and Relaxation - Living in Costa Rica the last month just a 2-minute walk from the ocean has been so nurturing and supportive to my nervous system. If you're not near a body of water, sit back, relax, and just watch this.

8 Ways to Practice Presence in Everyday Life - You don't need to be a monk on a mountain to practice presence and experience its benefits. I share a few ways you can start creating meaningful shifts now.

This Week's Encore
Practicing Modern Presence

When you hear the word “presence,” you may think of being in the moment. This is true, and this practice sets us down the path of reclamation - helping us take back our time, energy, focus, and power.

What may not be so apparent by the word alone, is that presence is an ocean, filled with many layers of depth that provide more access to creativity, material advancement, health and well-being, awe and joy, and deep fulfilling peace.

Presence is a Practice

Presence is a practice because we are always remembering it’s there for us. We may be constantly losing ourselves in the distraction of modern life, feeling the push and pull of external forces, and getting caught up in a sea of our own thoughts, but we can always return to the powerful perceptive shift of the here and now - the only place where life is actually happening.

Presence is not something to master or conquer, but a practice, an art, a meaningful form of playing in the sandbox of life. In the sandbox, we come to know how to create exactly what we want for our future self - our businesses, our freedom, our impact, our legacy - while savoring the moments of our life as they happen.

At the heart of many of our trusted growth, wellness, and creative practices, from meditation and yoga to flow states and immersion in nature, we find presence. It is the fundamental source of access to life today and tomorrow.

Practical Presence in the Modern World

Be here now. Be here. Be.

This is what it means to live. And you don’t need to be a monk on a mountain to practice, explore, and be more alive here today.

Contrary to mainstream belief, deep being and impactful doing are not mutually exclusive. You don’t need to give up all of your worldly possessions or renunciate desire or transcend earthly experiences to access the deep enjoyment of life that’s available to you now.

So keep building your business. Keep making your impact. Keep creating your wildest dreams. Keep having amazing experiences. Keep inviting in more.

But do it all the way here, all the way now, all the way alive.

If you have any questions about how to apply the practice of presence to your unique life journey, respond to this email.


Book a coaching session - An hour with Geri dedicated to one of 3 focus areas.

Explore private coaching - Transformational coaching pathways for life & work.

Book a workshop - Bring this movement to your organization, group, or event.

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The Now Experiment

Helping vision-driven people be more present with life and work. Gain insight, tools, and experiments in reclaiming your time and energy, and creating more doing-being balance. Be more present with yourself, loved ones, and life. Live your moments well while creating your meaningful milestones.

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