Want big answers? Ask big questions.

Big Questions Lead to Big Answers

Hi Reader,

When was the last time you asked yourself the big questions? The questions that transcend your to-do list, calendar, and obligations? That lift you out of the weeds of daily life and reveal the bigger picture?

My life completely changed about 5 years ago when I started prioritizing the big questions. And then I decided to devote my life and work to their exploration.

This week, I invite you to a sampling of some of the most powerful questions I support my clients with.

If you dive deep with even 2-3 of these questions, something meaningful will expand, shift, or click into place for you.

Here we go...

  1. What do you truly want?
  2. What do you feel now? What do you want to feel?
  3. Why are you here?
  4. What do you know that you haven't allowed yourself to see?
  5. What is blocking you?
  6. What’s calling to you that you haven’t answered?
  7. What do you want your experience of life to be?
  8. What lesson lies in your biggest challenges?
  9. What gift lies in your greatest hardship?
  10. What would change if you no longer thought negative things about yourself?
  11. What would it look like for you to enjoy the journey as much as the destination?
  12. When do you feel the most alive?
  13. What would it look like to trust yourself?
  14. What would you need to do differently to create more of the life you want?
  15. How would you need to think differently to create more of the life you want?

A big part of what I help clients with is getting present with these aspects of their internal world.

I created The Now Experiment to invite people to get deeply present with what’s within.

It’s only then that you can start doing and being in ways that create the experience of life you want - now and in the future.

If you’d like support in exploring these big questions and showing up to life in alignment with your answers, I'm here.

Book a one-hour coaching session in May, and receive 2 weeks of complimentary voicenote/text/email post-session coaching and support (a $350 value).

*Session must be purchased in May but doesn’t have to be scheduled for the month of May.

For Your Reclamation

[Free Video Workshop] How to Balance & Organize Your Week - Invest just 10 minutes in this 3-step workshop, and you'll have a flexible, balanced system in place to get organized, balance your being and doing, and fill up your cup until it's overflowing.

[Product] What I Drink to Boost Creativity & Presence - I haven't touched coffee in years, and Keith's Cacao is a 100% pure ceremonial grade replacement that I drink a few times a week to deepen my presence and expand my creativity. My friend Amy of Healing Haus first introduced me to this brand. This link includes her discount code.

[Offer] How to Make a Big Decision in 60 Minutes - Every year, I offer a limited number of decision-making sessions that get snatched up in a matter of hours. Now, my signature Decision-Making Session is available to anyone at any time. Book in May, and receive 2 weeks of complimentary follow-up coaching and support ($340 value).

The Now Experiment

Helping vision-driven people be more present with life and work. Gain insight, tools, and experiments in reclaiming your time and energy, and creating more doing-being balance. Be more present with yourself, loved ones, and life. Live your moments well while creating your meaningful milestones.

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