
The Now Experiment

Helping vision-driven people be more present with life and work. Gain insight, tools, and experiments in reclaiming your time and energy, and creating more doing-being balance. Be more present with yourself, loved ones, and life. Live your moments well while creating your meaningful milestones.

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Keep asking. It's not too much.

The Power of Asking, and then Asking Again Hi Reader, I’ve lost my ability to speak this week. My voice is nothing but a croaky whisper. It turns out, Texas is “the allergen capital of the world,” and she has made her mark on me. Interestingly, losing my ability to speak is helping me practice using my voice. I woke up yesterday really feeling my body’s response and went into full self-care mode. I gave myself permission to be completely unproductive. I rescheduled my client sessions and 2...

Inside-Out Living + Playful Experimentation Hi Reader, I'm done with boxes and limitations, and I'm inviting you to join me in a powerful experiment. I’ve been talking about being done with boxes and limitations for years. Now, I've deepened into my doneness so much that I've initiated a radical experiment in self-trust, following my inner compass, and breaking the rules. The big questions I have in this experiment are: Can I create what I want in life while doing what I want in life? What is...

3 New Podcast Episodes + Diving in Deep Hi Reader, We are inundated with content every day. Uplifting content, empty content, manipulative content, transformative content... One thing I've noticed: Content created from a place of inspiration, expressive desire, and heartfelt authenticity just hits differently. This kind of content isn't built just because the creator wants something from you, it's created because the idea, emotion, or message of it wants to flow through. When I read, listen...

selective focus photo of plant spouts

Garden vs. Factory Approach + Life as Art Hi Reader, I'm deep in experimentation around what it would be like to prioritize my vision-driven creations over the constant knocking of my to-do list. I'll share more on that next week, along with an announcement about the reintroduction of one of my favorite creations (🎙️ hint, hint). For now, I'll offer this gentle reminder. In a world filled with the expectation of immediate outcomes, perfection, and never-ending productivity, I’m here to remind...

3 Energy Vampires + Modern Presence Hi Reader, Our energy is one of our most precious resources. Having access to our energy is the difference between feeling well or unwell, being able to connect or unable to, or feeling like we have the capacity to do something about what we want to change vs. not. Regardless of how much inspiration, motivation, and intention we hold, if we don't have access to our energy to act on or engage with it, nothing is going to happen. The fact is, you can't live a...

Decision-Making Tips + Boundary Affirmations Hi Reader, Every big decision you leave unmade drains you. It drains you of your time, taking up space in your mind and commandeering your thoughts. It drains you of your energy, as you vacillate between the options again and again. And in many cases, it drains you of your audacity as you start to lose trust and confidence in yourself to choose well. To be clear, I'm not talking about the paint color you haven't chosen for your living room...

Reconnect to Life + Discover Devoted Purpose Hi Reader, I just entered my second week in Costa Rica as a full-time nomad and it is a masterclass in being present. Presence can be described as a sensation of connectedness to the current moment (now) and what is within us and around us. So it's no surprise that our level of presence correlates with how vital and alive we feel. In fact, some of the key benefits of practicing presence include: Living your moments deeply and well (100-year-old you...

Big Questions Lead to Big Answers Hi Reader, When was the last time you asked yourself the big questions? The questions that transcend your to-do list, calendar, and obligations? That lift you out of the weeds of daily life and reveal the bigger picture? My life completely changed about 5 years ago when I started prioritizing the big questions. And then I decided to devote my life and work to their exploration. This week, I invite you to a sampling of some of the most powerful questions I...

A Remembering + Navigating Overwhelm Hi Reader, Sometimes I stay present, am highly intentional with my time and energy, have big audacity energy, and create a being-doing balance that I’m really proud of. Other times I get frustrated when things don’t flow, start feeling “behind,” leave my mind to its own fear-based devices, and stay up until 1am watching TikToks about a guy 3D printing a village for frogs. It’s easy to forget to be present. Presence - reclaiming your now and really being...

Your Future Self + Making Work Play Hi Reader, One of the coolest relationships you can be in is the one with your future self. Over the last 3 months, I've gone all in on the relationship with my future self - Geri in 3 months, Geri in a year, Geri in 10 years - and it's shifted how I show up to life. You see, I know her deepest desires, her dreams, and the life she wants to live. And I want her to have it all. Where there are desires not present in my life right now, I know she can have...